Thursday, December 6, 2007

Confessions of a Packrat

It's kind of hard to find a customization font that feels appropriate when they all look so damn professional, but for the sake of my readers I shall try my best. It just wouldn't be a Laura-esque Blog if I didn't make it slightly zany.

The reason for my late night/early morning posting is simply this: I am on duty on the day before reading day. And everyone knows that schools only institute reading days for one reason before exams, and that is so the students can recover from their various. . . celebrations once classes are officially over. I drew the short straw and had to cover tonight, and on the whole it has been VERY quiet.

That is, until I got the Five-AM phone call asking me to do a lock out.

You know me, once I am awake it is for good. So I decided to do something worth while and go ahead and get something posted on the blog.

As I shuffled the items on my Desk around to get to my computer, I was struck by a fact that made me look around my residence hall domicile.

In 5 semesters of College, I have gathered a TON of stuff.

Movie ticket stubs, programs from Theatre Shows, scraps of paper with random writings and more books than any 22 year old should really own are all over the place. I think I have kept Crayola in business over the past few years, as I keep finding markers and crayons and colored pencils--ah the joys of RA-ness, arts and crafts time even here at college. I love my job, it gives me an excuse to color.

And it wasn't until I was marveling over how many different shades of blue markers I own that the enormity of the trip I am preparing to take hit me.

I am going across the ocean for essentially five months, and all of the little things I bring with me to school as comfort won't be going with me.

My cork board decorated with Disney stuff has no spot in my suitcase, and neither do the twelve pillows currently piled on my bed. I doubt I'll need my army of coloring utensils while I am there, but take solace in that my knitting skill will find some use in the frigid climate.

How am I going to live without all of my STUFF?

What do I take with me to remind me that yes, I will be coming home, and that freaking out is totally unwarranted?

It is also strange to think that the rest of the world isn't gearing up in preparation for my trip. The rest of my friends are getting ready for another semester, or going to work, or a thousand other every day things. And while I am conscious of this fact, my whole life is still centered on the trip and the wonders it really holds out for me.

What if I get there and never want to come back?

What if I get there and hate it?

The one thing I am not worried about is keeping in touch with others. I am a fairly stubborn person on that point, and I think that my experience as an army brat will help out there.

But most disturbing of all. . . given that I haven't even left yet and I'm facing facts that I don't particularly like about myself, what else am I going to learn?

Ah well, knowing me I am over-analyzing the situation. I am sure it will all pass in the blink of an eye and I'll be home before I realize it.

Which is why this blog is so important, I want to remember the day-to-day of it. When the journey is finally complete, I don't want to be standing at the end wondering what the hell I just experienced.

So, Dear Readers, (and yes, I am watching the Harry Potter version of that very soon) here we go. A glimpse inside the mind of my 22 year old self taking an adventure and getting the furthest away she has ever been from it all.

Like all things having to do with me, I am sure it will be thoughtful, annoyingly logical at times, blatantly emotional at others, with the occasional random story that takes ten pages to tell.

Stick with me for the ride, it promises to be most entertaining.